Al-Fatiha Academia Track

open enrollment

Monday-Thursday & Saturday mornings

• Math
• Science
• Social Studies
• ​English/Reading/Writing

all weekend classes can be taken separately.

Taught by trained & experienced professionals in a safe & Islamic environment.

Catered to our full time and part time Hifz students who want to secure their complete academic/secondary education

This program is also made to transition back to school, without failing back in any grades.

  • The curriculum being used at the moment is Brain Quest (according to ability level, not grade level of the student) supplemented by extra material hand-chosen from various sources.
  • When each subject of Brain Quest (plus supplemental materials) is completed, then a written final exam for that subject is administered. Upon passing it, the student moves on to the next subject and repeats the process till the end of the curriculum. Then there is a level exam which tests the students on all subjects in that level. The student moves on to the next grade level only after passing that exam.
  • As much parent involvement as possible is welcomed. Typically, the stronger students are those whose parents are more involved. If parents can at minimum just review and reinforce what was taught that day, students typically retain and perform excellently.
  • On the student’s first day, an oral exam will be administered on material first according to grade level. If the student underperforms, he/she will have to spend time catching up to that grade level. If the student meets the grade level standards, then they will be gauged/tested according to ability level and placed accordingly.